
Friday, October 22, 2010

A night in Rouen

Rouen Cathedral

After my Gramma returned to Canada, Andre and I decided to take a little getaway to Rouen. It was a spur of the moment decision, all we knew about Rouen was that there is a Cathedral Monet painted and that we had found a wonderful small quirky hotel to stay at. We arrived in the afternoon and checked in. The weather was not the best but we wandered around the old streets and entered the Cathedral that Monet had studied so fervently.

Inside the Rouen Cathedral
Exterior statues now preserved inside 

 It rained in the evening so we lounged around with aperitifs before heading out with an umbrella to the closest Indian restaurant. After a huge dinner we wander around a bit more in the rain before heading back to the hotel.

Jacques Cartier is everywhere in France
 The next day we did some shopping and grabbed a bite to eat at a place where their entire menu consisted of different bagel sandwiches! I have not had a bagel in months, and I actually hadn’t realized it until I saw them on the menu… delicious

 After lunch we went to the Musee des Beaux Arts to see the famous Monet paintings of the Cathedral. Sadly there was only one, and the collection that was supposed to be second only to Musee d'Orsay in impressionist paintings was pretty sparse. We ended the mini vacation walking around the city gardens on our way back to the train station.

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